Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 6

Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

I almost forgot about this. :) I'm not even sure I can reach 30.

1. I've been on TV a total of 9 times. That's whole 30 minute segments, not just flashes of me. Haha. If we include the glimpses of me, well, I'm up to 10. :)

2. All of my savings came from my game show winnings. That's because I don't know how to save with just my salary.

3. I've won a total of Php 140,000 from my game show stints. :)

4. I chose my course in college without any idea as to what it really was.

5. The only class I didn't maximize my cuts in was Philo 104 -- and that's because I had a crush on both my seatmates. :)

6. I have a planner collection. I've been using planners since first year college, and I haven't stopped since. I bring my planner everywhere. It has been to every place I've been to.

7. I know of three people named Leonila Villegas -- me, my lola, and some kid in Laguna who died. My friend saw and took a picture of the grave marker of a kid named Leonila Villegas.

8. I am afraid of boats and ships and all water vehicles. I blame the Philippine Navy/Coast Guard/whoever checks ships in the Philippines for this.

9. I spend my free time checking the rates for plane trips to wherever.

10. I've only started learning how to cook recently. In 2010, to be exact. I still don't cook regularly, but I can make food for myself if the situation calls for it.

11. I'm the most kaladkarin person I know. I rarely say No to anything.

12. Once I kidnapped a friend and brought him to Cebu. I just bought him a ticket without his knowledge, so he was sort of forced to go with me. Hahaha.

13. I have a dog named Pepito Nero, who thinks he's human.

14. I gained 40 pounds since I started working. That's in around 2 years.

15. I have a car named Krizzy (who has heard all the secrets of all my friends), a laptop named Spartaaaaah, and an Itouch named Mundae. My camera is named Kimi, and my lomo camera's name is Ivory. Suffice it to say, I name all my gadgets. :)

..okay. That's all I can do for now. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

49 days.

People say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Well, if I follow that, then yes, I've formed the habit of not talking to him. 49 days. One day shy of 50.

It was a very, very, VERY, challenging 49 days. It was 49 days of me going crazy because I knew I was stopping myself from doing something I like doing, and 49 days of me pretending nothing's wrong while desperately looking for something to replace him with. It was 49 days of anger, sadness, melancholy, happiness, and withdrawal.

The 49 days ended because he talked to me yesterday. Yesterday when I realized I shouldn't be running away from him, he finally got a hold of me. When he did, I didn't want him to let go anymore, but I knew I should just walk away.

And so I did.

I walked away with my head held high, thinking to myself, "Fuck, I miss him. But I can't do this again."

It was the best 10 minutes in all those 49 days, but it needed to end there, and so it will end there. I left counting again, and today is again Day 1.